Before you run FilePlayer you should install the Sound Manager version 3.0.
You could run FilePlayer without installing it, but one feature will not work and one will not work correctly.
FilePlayer has an on-line documentation and help text. Perhaps there are some people outside who first want to know what a program does, before double clicking on it. Because of this here are the second and the third page of the on-line help text.
A short survey of FilePlayer’s features
• Recording of sound files of any length at three different compression factors: none, 3:1 and 6:1 (“AIFF” respectively “AIFC” format)
• Playing back sound files of the upper mentioned format at different speeds or using the wobble mode (changes the speed of the sound file like a sinus function)
• Playing, editing, saving and loading lists of soundfiles
• Skipping forward and backward while playing back a list of files
• Fast searching backward and forward while playing back a file
• Repeating play back of files (endless)
• Displaying a window, which shows the end time of the file, its present time, status, compression and name
• Producing a background playing startup sound and to prevent tediousness, a random file select option
• Playing back a file from a certain insertion point
• Playing and repeating a section of a sound file.
• Support of AppleEvents
About FilePlayer in general
FilePlayer is a sound program that plays music in the background. Once you start playing a file, you can switch to other programs or to the Finder and do anything you want to do. Only a few tasks like formatting disks or high level SCSI activity, caused by SCSI connected printers, for example will stop the background activity during the task, but afterwards FilePlayer continues to play the file from the point it has been stopped. You can play two soundfiles (even the same) when you load a copy of FilePlayer. They will be mixed together. FilePlayer also works with a lot of games which produce sound.
You can use FilePlayer also to record sounds. The “Record to RAM…” function additionally displays a peak level meter to have more information about the recording process.
Before using FilePlayer, you must record a sound-file. So connect your CD-Player to your Mac, I’m sure it is worth the effort.
FilePlayer is free but copyrighted by
Bernd Engist
Nördliche Hildapromenade 10
76133 Karlsruhe
If you like it, please send me a postcard of your hometown. Comments, bug reports or criticisms are welcome.